Bigyanananda Mission and Bhowanipore Math


(+91) 9830236627, (+91) 9874083041

Speak the Truth! Think the Truth! Practice the Truth!
সত্য কথন! সত্য মনন! সত্য পালন!
Welcome to Bhowanipore Math (মঠ).
We would like to inform you that obeying the mandate of social distancing we have cancelled our entire programme for this year. It is our social responsibility to ensure ‘complete lock-down’ which has been declared in India to fight against COVID-19 pandemic.
ভবানীপুর মঠ ও বিজ্ঞানানন্দ মিশন প্রাঙ্গণে আগামী ১১ই ডিসেম্বর ২০২২ (২৪শে অগ্রহায়ণ, ১৪২৯ বঙ্গাব্দ) রবিবার, কৃষ্ণা তৃতীয়া তিথিতে পরম আরাধ্য ঠাকুর শ্রীশ্রীমৎ স্বামী বিজ্ঞানানন্দ মহারাজজীর তিরোধান তিথি সর্বমঙ্গল যজ্ঞানুষ্ঠানের মাধ্যমে পালিত হবে।

১২ই ডিসেম্বর ২০২২ (২৫শে অগ্রহায়ণ, ১৪২৯ বঙ্গাব্দ), শনিবার, শ্রীশ্রী মা রাজলক্ষ্মীদেবীর তিরোধান তিথি পালিত হবে।
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Bigyanananda Maharaj

"মন্নাথঃ শ্রীজগন্নাথঃ মদ্গুরুঃ শ্রীজগদ্গুরুঃ |
মদাত্মা সর্বভূতাত্মা তস্মৈ শ্রীগুরবে নমঃ ||"

About Bhowanipore Math & Bigyanananda Mission

The Mission was established in the year 1948 at Bhowanipore (54, Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Road, Bhowanipore, Calcutta-700 026, West Bengal, India). The Association took its form around Sri Srimat Swami Bigyanananda Maharaj (1912-1967) [১৩১৮-১৩৭৪ সন]. It was formed in the year 1973 and duly registered in the year 1980.
Bigyanananda Mission is a spiritual monastery where people of different creed, caste, gender, nationality come for their own eternal happiness. People from all walks of life, Raja (The King), industrialist, workers, students, judges, lawyers, office employees and those who live on streets came to Bhowanipore – for their needs and happiness and internal peace. Bhowanipore Math & Bigyanananda Mission is a Holy Monastery for all.
Here we worship Goddess Durga (Durga Puja), Goddess Kali (Kali Puja), Goddess Ratanti Kali (Ratanti Kali Puja), and Narayana / Srikrishna (Narayan Puja).
The devotees and attendants of the Mission are pursuing the Path displayed by Thakur Sri Srimat Swami Bigyanananda Maharaj.
The incarnation took place very secretly surreptitiously this time to teach us the way to free ourselves from all kinds of involvements. He taught us how to become self-sacrificing. He told us how to see the absolute Truth (God). Whenever one visits the mission his mind gets rejuvenated with the spiritual blessing of God & finally they realize the spiritual upliftment is necessary for the enlightenment of our inner self. It is to be noted that all the devotees come here after fulfilling their commitments to their profession and family.
The Mission is open every day but there is no fixed time. Different people come here every Saturday and Sunday, believer, non- believer, curious, peace seekers. Everybody gets Prasad (The grace of God) and finally exits with happiness.
There is no system of accepting monetary donations/ contributions except on the birth anniversary of Sri Sri Srimat Bigyanananda Maharaj.


Main aim of Bhowanipore Math is to spread the discipline and instructions taught by the Supreme being Thakur Sri Bigyanananda Maharaj. Thakur Sri Sri Lenin Roy (1928-2007) and George Washington Roy (1930 - 1973), two disciples of the lord who strictly followed these lessons. Finally, the Truth revealed and the journey of Bigyanananda Mission started. Bhowanipore Math is doing this work for many years and its work will be carried on for years to come.
Bhowanipore Math is trying to spread incessant happiness among people. A prime objective of Bigyanananda Mission is to ignite the inner craving for seeking peace and happiness among people. For achieving this goal Swami Bigyanananda Maharaj framed Three simple yet hard to follow rules – "Speak the truth, Think the truth, Practice the Truth”.
Moreover, the Mission aims at commemorating the ideal life set by Thakur Bigyanananda Maharaj, to spread his holy words and advices to follow the path of Truth in a very proactive way and carry out several social welfare activities rendering assistance to the needy.